Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This is my very favorite day of the year! I absolutely LOVE April Fools Day! I must admit that it is not quite as fun as it was when my dad was alive. We were relentless with each other. The last couple of years he was alive, we called a truce. Instead of fooling each other, we fooled my mom! My poor mom..... Anyway, I have earned myself quite the reputation. So much so that my family will not answer the phone if I call on April Fools Day. Poor Chris had endured many a pranks from me on April Fools Day. He has returned a phone message from Mr. Bear - only to learn that he was calling the Zoo! He also returned a call about a box someone had for him, only to find out he was calling the cemetary. Not to mention the time that I included the marina on my prank and had them call him at work and tell him that someone was vandalizing his boat. Yes, I have had quite a bit of fun with my darling husband over the years. I was even able to team up with a coworker one time and prank our entire office. One girl had everything wrapped in tin foil - while another had her entire desk wrapped in saran wrap. Balls were removed from the mouses so they did not work until replaced, keys were taken off the keyboard and switched with other keys. Then, we took everything in the cubicles of two guys and switched them to each others cubicle. We took post it notes from the managers desk and used her pen to write "April Fools" at each cubicle. Of course we set up the manager by doing nothing to her desk. Yes, it was a great day. This year, I guess since we are in Austria, there will not be any one for me to play tricks on. We will be going to visit Chris' grandmother, but since neither of us have ever met her, I don't think it is appropriate for me to pull a prank on her. Anyway ~ hope everyone has a FUN day today! APRIL FOOLS!!!

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