Friday, March 28, 2008

Prague, Czec Repulic and Poland

Prague? Where the heck is Prague anyway? And why did I want to go? Quite honestly, I wanted to go because of the TV Show Alias. Did you ever see that show? Sidney Bristow ROCKED! She went to Prague many times on her spy missions. Well, Prague is in the Czech Republic. In February, we decided to drive up there and see where Sidney Bristow did all her spy stuff. It was not a bad drive from Stuttgart. We made reservations at a "Botel". It is a pretty much just a plain old boat turned in to a hotel. It was not fancy - but, since we are boat people, we LOVED it. The best part was the HUGE window in our room! The view was awesome. There are a few pictures in the slide show that show our view. Like any other city, there were sections where graffiti littered the beautiful buildings. We found the transportation system tricky there, mostly because of the language barrier. Since we were so close, I suggested we drive to Poland for a sausage. Well, we did not find any polish sausages there (maybe they are just called sausages there - not polish sausages). Polland is known for their beautiful pottery. Chris and I picked up a few pieces and sent home. We really enjoyed the drive through rhe countryside, but it was a little sad to see what the war had done to that country - they still have not recovered completely. It made me think about Iraq and how if we pull out too early, we will do to the Iraqis what the Russians did to the Polish. You have to admit, the US left Germany in a lot better condition than Russia left the territories they were responsible for. You can really tell the difference in that we helped rebuild Germany after the war. Anyway - enough war talk.... Our trip was - as they all are - wonderful. I can not say that the Czech Republic or Poland are places I have a desire to visit again. But I can check them off of my list of places to see.

1 comment:

Granny's Blog said...

Those cities didn't look as pretty as others in your side shows. I guess it was because of the war. We have been very fortunate in the USA that we haven't had the effects of was-excepting the civil war and 9-11. After all the traveling you have done, you do look forward to cleaning your own house! Working in the yard is very satisfying, if you like to do it.