Thursday, August 21, 2008

Did You Eat My M&Ms?

A month or so ago, Chris brought me home some M&Ms (I told him a few years ago to stop wasting money on flowers - bring me candy instead). I opened the bag up and only ate a couple. Believe it or not - I was not in the mood for chocolate at the time. I know - I know - I should have written that one on my calendar because everyone who knows me KNOWS I love chocolate. And even those who don't know me can look at my big belly and know that I love chocolate. :) Anyway - a few days later I was just "jonesing" for Chocolate and I could not find my M&Ms anywhere. When Chris got home, I asked him if he ate my M&Ms and he said NO. I knew that either A - he ate them and forgot he ate them --- or B - I ate them after I had an Ambien and just did not remember eating them. So..... fast forward to a couple weeks later and I was looking for something I lost (don't remember what I was looking for - so please do not ask). I took the cushions out of our human eating couch to see if it had fallen under the cushions. Guess what I found! An almost full bag of M&Ms. Well, you may think that is gross and that I should throw the M&Ms away - but I didn't. I enjoyed them for the next couple days until I finished up the bag. That was a couple weeks ago. Today, I was looking for the card reader for our camera and could not find it. I thought maybe I dropped it in the couch (that seems to be where everything ends up). Guess what I found. A handful of M&Ms that must have fallen out of the bag when it was in there. They were way down in the crack of the sofa and I just missed them every other time I have looked for something. Now... I know what you are dying to know right now..... Did I eat those M&Ms? What do you think? I just have to say - they melt in your mouth - not in the couch (I know - I know - corny). So... did I eat those M&Ms? Well, I could not BARE to throw away a handful of perfectly good M&Ms...... so....... I fed them to the dog. Seriously? Did you really think I would eat M&Ms that were in the couch for about a month? Sheesh! LOL

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