After finishing my latest round of steroids, I STILL have poison ivy! :( I think the itching is driving me insane. My regular doctor is at a loss as to what to do for me. She is sending me to a specialist, but the wait is long. Until then, I just have to endure the uncomfortableness. The prescription hydrocortisone cream does not seem to provide any relief. I have tried all the old "wives tells" cures. Last night, I stripped down naked in the kitchen and applied a mixture of hot oatmeal, honey, and baking soda to my body. The warmth did feel good for a brief moment. After I had a thick layer of this mixture spread on my body, Chris took Saran wrap and wrapped me all up. It felt really weird and I must say I was grateful for blinds so the neighbors could not witness the craziness. After only about 15 minutes, my skin started to hurt and feel like it was burning so it was off with the plastic wrap and in to the shower. Later in the evening - I tried rubbing the inside of banana peels to the rash. But - no relief there either. I really do not understand why neither of these worked. I mean, after all, it said on the internet that it would work - so if it was on the internet, then it must be true - right? ;) Anyway - I am still willing to try anything that MIGHT give me relief, so if you want to tell me a crazy way to cope with this rash - let me know and I will try.