Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Psycho Kitty

OK - for those of you who do not know the story of how TaiChi got her name.... Chris named her CheeSigh - which means "tiny" in some language - mandrin I think. Anyway - I kept getting confused and calling her Taichi. Finally, she started responding to Taichi - thus, choosing her own name (or did I choose it? I am not really sure). Now... our new little kitty was named by my sweet husband who chose one of the suggestions of my sister in law (Dana). I do love the name Duchess. However, once again, I have accidently given her a new name - "Psycho Kitty". It is not what I intend to call her - but when she acts like a psycho kitty, then I call her a psycho kitty. Is it my fault that she is so OFTEN psychotic? I can't help it if she earns the title Psycho Kitty so often that she thinks its her name. Geesh...

Yesterday, we had a house full of guests. I had closed the door to the guest room to keep her and the dog out after I cleaned the room. Then, I closed the door to our bedroom. Well, she usually hides under our bed when people visit - sometimes she goes to the guest room and hides under the bed there. Last night - she freaked out at the noise level in the house and did not have a bed to go under. So, being the psycho kitty she is, she ran into our fireplace and UP the chimney! People had been running in and out of the house - so I just locked them all out for the time it took me to coax her down (about a half hour). The poor little thing was so scared - but so was I! I was beginning to think I would have to call the fire department or something to get her out.... I kept calling her name (Duchess) and she did not respond. However, when I called her Psycho Kitty - she meowed in her soft little voice. Anyway - she is out of the chimney and I have pulled the fire place screen shut so hopefully that will keep her out! See... and people wonder why I call her a psycho kitty ;-)


danakat said...

I kinda like Psycho Kitty for a name. It's unique. And if she answers to a name at all, then that's pretty good for a cat.

And why is Chris 81 years old?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy,

I don't think that I am one of your favorite people on SCS but I just saw your post to Sassy and so wanted to tell you that I have been hurt by her and many others on there too and I am so sorry that that happened. I think you are such a cutie and have such admiration for you. Infertility is such a horribly painful thing and it hurts deeply when people are insensitive to that heartache. Keep your faith and know that you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Psycho Kitty!

And to both you and Shauna, Sassy is just horrible. She's a bully who thrives on negative attention. That's when she isn't feigning friendship to glean personal information from people so that she can then violate their privacy.

I hope neither of you let such a witch keep you away from SCS. I understand taking a break, but don't let the hateful one win!