Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January..... it's not happening.....

Well, it looks like January won't be my month to conceive :( My doctor appointment revealed more eggs than we originally saw (over 10), but they were not growing as large as they should be. He wanted me to take some Repronex injections, but none of the local pharmacies had any on hand - so unless by some miracle, my tiny eggs grow by Friday - I will be sitting out for a month. Good news is that next month - I will take the chlomid for 5 days to stimulate my ovaries - followed by Repronex injections to stimulate my ovaries more- followed by an HCG injection to make my eggs release - so February just may be my month....


Jenni said...

I'm so sorry - how fustrating! You are still in my thoughts and prayers though!

jackieinbama said...

You and Chris are in our prayers. We love you guys. Tell TaiChi I said woof, woof.

Melanie said...

I'm keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you both.

Erin said...

I will keep you in my prayers.