Monday, January 5, 2009

Not quite a dozen.....

Just wanted to share my recent doctors appointment news........

So, I don't quite have a dozen eggs ...... but I do have EIGHT! Yes - EIGHT! That is pretty good odds that at least one of them will get fertilized this month! I should have my procedure Thursday and will be back in the dreaded two week wait again. Keep your fingers crossed and keep us in your prayers!


danakat said...

I'll be your cheerleader...

Give me an E!
Give me a G!
Give me another G!
Give me an S!
Give me some sperm!

Okay, so if you find this in poor taste...I do apologize.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! I am rooting for you and your eggs and you and your hubby will be in our prayers!

Jenni said...

Hopefully Dana's cheer will do the trick but will be praying for success as well!