Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcoming back Chris ----and poison ivy :(

Yep - the good news is that Chris got home yesterday afternoon. It sure was nice to have him home. Taichi was so happy to see him, as was Pauper. Dutchess, on the other hand, ran from him at first. Goofy cat. She finally let him pet her just before he went to bed last night. She is such a strange cat. Bad news is that my yard work resulted in more poison ivy. Even though I wore boots, long pants and gloves - AND I used the TECNU oil cleaner that is supposed to remove any poison oak, ivy, or sumac before a rash breaks out..... I still have it on my forearm. As usual, it itches like crazy and is about to drive me insane. I called my doctor office and I go in tomorrow - probably for another shot and a week of steroids. Its already worse than it started last time - so I hope they are able to kick it quickly. My arm actually even hurts this time (in addition to itching). It feels the same way it does after a real hard work out. In just a day - it went from just a little teeny spot to my entire forearm, so I would not be surprised if it spreads like crazy by tomorrow's appointment. But hey - at least Chris is home - right?

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